Remco Schuurbiers

Curriculum Vitae

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Remco Schuurbiers: Independent curator & multidisciplinary artist (photography, video, installations, A/V production)

A co-director of Berlin’s CTM Festival international festival for adventurous music and related visual arts since 1999, program director for TodaysArt Festival in The Hague, Netherlands, since 2007.

Co-founder of DISK e.V. – Initiative Bild & Ton for the promotion of experimental music and visual arts within the context of sound and music, established in 2005. Founding member of the project space General Public in Berlin, established in 2005. Co-organizer of Disk Sessions – a series of sound performances by artists engaged in exploration of the acoustic realm – presented periodically at General Public. Curator for, a platform for sound art & artists, since 2008.

Schuurbiers’ artistic projects have been presented frequently at galleries, institutions and festivals in Europe, Asia, the Antipodes and the Americas over the last decade. He also founded The art of pingpongcountry in 2001, a country music and ping pong ‘rundlauf’ action that has been invited to a number of prestigious international events as far afield as Canada and New Zealand. He has worked on various film and theatre projects with director Ivan Stanev since 2000.


Studied Photography at Royal Academy of Art and Art Science at Royal Conservatory in The Hague, The Netherlands.

1988 – 1992 Photographic Design at Royal Art Academy (KABK), the Hague, the Netherlands
1992 – 1995 Art Science, Royal Conservatorium, the Hague, the Netherlands
Supervisor: Michael van Hoogenhuizen

Interfaculty Image & Sound group projects: Electronic Music Theatre,
with Dick Raaijmakers, Paul Koek, Frans Evers a.o.

1995 “Schreuer im Hagh”
1994 “The Promenair of Mondriaan”
1993 „Die Glückliche Hand“ (Arnold Schönberg)
1993 “School of Soundmen”

Portrait Remco Schuurbiers [2010]